
アーティスト:Kayoko 彼女は、鉛筆画、水彩画、アクリル画などで、動物や植物をモチーフに作品を描いている。

Artist: Kayoko she, pencil drawing, watercolor, etc. acrylic painting depicts a work in motif animals and plants.
In welcome board should able to satisfy everyone a picture of Kayoko.
Her, pencil drawing, pet portrait in watercolor in recommended, you can you purchase as a memorial of pets became a member of the new family, because of the soft impression than photos, it is also possible that you purchase the missing pet picture is.
Hearty think that is common to all of the work “painting, such as become a fun and friendly feeling” will draw a family similar pet picture.
Post card series of dog Kayoko is a popular, you can use your as gift message card, you can enjoy as an accent of your room.